HACK WebSites using RTE Webwiz Vulnerability

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Dear Readers , Here i am posting another method to hack a website using RTE webwiz Vulnerability. 

okay now lets start :) Dork for this  Vulnerability is "inurl:rte/my_documents/my_files" The Exploit is    

 site.com/rte/RTE_popup_file_atch.asp     site.com/admin/RTE_popup_file_atch.asp For Example i 

found 1 website which is vulnerable to RTE Site:- http://www.billkonigsberg.com Vulnerability  

http://www.billkonigsberg.com/RTE_popup_file_atch.asp Now upload the deface page here and in left 

site after upload your page will show I have uploaded my deface page like 

http://www.billkonigsberg.com/my_documents/my_files/46C_Fucked.html  adsense 336x280

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